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New Role for Elaine Madison Will Support Local School and Workforce Collaborations

Elaine Madison, director of Community Service Center and associate director for DukeEngage Programs, has been named assistant vice president for Duke-Durham educational and workforce collaborations with Duke’s Office of Durham and Community Affairs.

Madison has been an integral part of the DukeEngage leadership team since its conception in 2006 and pilot summer in 2007. For more than a decade, she has spearheaded development of the program’s travel and safety infrastructure, evaluation and assessment efforts and strategic growth.

In her current role, Madison also oversees the Duke Community Service Center, Duke’s America Reads/America Counts presence and the Duke College Advising Corps. Until recently, she headed up the University Council on Civic Engagement, which supports and coordinates new and ongoing civic engagement initiatives across campus.

On July 1, Madison will step down from her role at DukeEngage and begin her new position, focusing on educational and workforce collaborations within Durham and the region. The College Advising Corps, early childhood educational partnerships, site-based school programming, and emerging workforce development opportunities will be under her leadership within the Office of Durham and Community Affairs.

Madison, a 2018 Duke University Presidential Award recipient, has worked and lived in Durham and Chapel Hill for more than 35 years.

Before coming to the Community Service Center in 1993, Madison was associate director for Duke’s Office of Continuing Education. She holds a J.D. from UNC-Chapel Hill, where she was a Chancellor’s Scholar. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Colorado Women’s College and completed graduate work at Brandeis University and the University of California, Santa Cruz.