What’s Your Mantra?

Tell us about a saying, motto or piece of wisdom that helps you stay motivated, resilient and ready to thrive in work or life

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In a story for the start of 2024, we'll share narratives behind empowering phrases that have helped Duke staff and faculty excel, persevere, or take on challenges.

Send your mantra to Working@Duke.edu or through this form – and feel free to add a photo of yourself or a photo that illustrates your mantra. We'll reach out to talk with you. We're offering the first 10 who respond a "Proud to be Working@Duke" T-shirt or insulated grocery bag as special thank you for sharing. The deadline for responses is Nov. 21.

Send story ideas, shout-outs and photographs through our story idea form or write working@duke.edu.

Follow Working@Duke on X (Twitter)Facebook, and Instagram.