Where Starting College Also Means Learning a New Language
Pauley-Brown has always been on the move. She began running at an early age with her parents – first in a stroller and then on her own. She continued to run competitively during high school.
Not even a diagnosis of juvenile arthritis in high school could keep her down – though she took a break for a while she continued to cheer on her fellow runners.
“I love running. I love the feeling it gives you of being free,” she says. It’s something she plans to continue doing while in China and has already connected with others who are going to DKU and who love to run.
Her medical diagnosis led to her decision to become a pediatric rheumatologist, with plans to study global health while at DKU. And Pauley-Brown is looking forward to learning Mandarin.
“I like learning languages because it allows you to connect with all the people around you,” says Pauley-Brown, who took four years of Spanish in high school. “Especially wanting to be a physician, being able to speak multiple languages and talk to different types of people that come in is so important,” she says.
What is she most looking forward to seeing once in China?
“I am excited to see all of it. I wanted to travel the world since I was little.”
For more stories of new Duke and DKU students, read the profiles in this Duke Today series.